At-home exercises: pectoralis minor towel stretch

If you're looking for dry needling in Portland to help with pain and stiffness in your neck and shoulders, we at To The Point PDX Dry Needling treat every muscle that may be involved in the pain involved in the injury or discomfort.

Treating the agonist and antagonist muscles is key to a successful dry needling treatment. Think of the agonist muscles as those that are in pain, and the antagonist muscles are the muscles on the opposite side of the body.

One overlooked muscle at other dry needling clinics is the involvement of when we spend time hunched over our computers or phones, our pectoralis muscles contract and become shorter. Releasing this trigger points will cause the muscle to relax and lengthen, opening your chest and giving relief to the overstretched muscles in your back and shoulders.

After your dry needling treatment, it's a good idea to continue to stretch the muscles released. Try this simple stretch at home to help your neck and back pain after coming in for a dry needling treatment in Portland.

Towel Pectoralis Minor Stretch

  1. Raise your arms over your head while keeping the towel pulled apart.

  2. Stretch your arms behind your head as far as you can reach and pull the ends of the towel away from one another - your arms should be stretched out in a V position.

  3. Hold this stretch for 10-30 seconds and repeat 3 times.

Sarah's books are open for new dry needling patients - click to schedule now.


What does dry needling feel like?


At-home exercises for after your dry needling treatment