Can dry needling help my overuse injury?
Yes! Dry needing in Portland can help you get back to exercise.
An overuse injury is any kind of muscle or joint injury that’s caused by repetitive trauma from taking on too much physical activity too quickly. As an endurance triathlete in training, Dr. Sarah has first-hand knowledge of how dry needling can help overuse injuries and aid in general recovery from training.
Common kinds of overuse injuries are shoulder impingement, tendinitis or a stress fracture.
Dry needling can help your overuse injury by releasing tight muscles that surround the affected area.
Trigger point therapy in Portland is effective at treating your overuse injury, allowing you to maintain and increase your training regime.
“Sarah has been awesome. I have been seeing her for over a year and I attribute much of my mobility and ability to take on a more intense training program to my sessions with her.”