Can dry needling fix Runner’s Knee?
Yes! Dry needing in Portland can help you get back to exercise.
Runner’s knee is a common condition that doesn’t just affect runners! It results from overuse, excessive training or malalignment of the kneecap.
This pain can occur while you’re active or after sitting for a long time with the knees bent. You may have a dull pain around the front of your knee where it connects with the femur. You may also notice rubbing, grinding or a clicking sound in the kneecap when you bend or straighten your knee.
Dr. Sarah was first introduced to needling when she experienced runner’s knee and nothing but acupuncture and dry needling worked! Dry needling can help treat this condition by releasing tight muscles that surround the knee.
“Sarah is a miracle worker! I went in with both an acute and a chronic running injury, expecting to be out of running for a long while. But I had a marathon on the calendar I secretly hoped I’d be ready for in a month. After 3 sessions, she “unwound” me and I successfully ran the marathon!”