Can dry needling help my swimmer’s shoulder?
Yes! Swimmer’s shoulder involves tendons, tissues that connect muscles to bones. The tendons in the shoulder become inflamed and swollen, pressing on nearby bones, muscles or other tendons. Swimmer’s shoulder is sometimes called shoulder impingement, subacromial impingement or painful arc.
Inflammation usually affects the tendons of the rotator cuff (group of tendons and muscles around the shoulder joint). These tendons can pressure the acromion, the top part of the shoulder blade bone. Friction on the shoulder blade can cause bone spurs (bony growths) to develop. Swimmer’s shoulder is a type of shoulder tendinitis.
Dry needling jumpstarts the body’s natural healing process by creating micro-traumas in the shoulder muscles while chiropractic care can help reset the acromion and arm bones so lignames and muscles move freely.
“If I could give more than 5 stars, I would! Dr. Sarah helped me get over a very difficult plateau with a very stubborn post-operative frozen shoulder. I’m absolutely convinced that without Sarah’s help, I’d be heading for another surgery to release my shoulder. What an absolute relief!”