What will help my herniated disc?
Dry needling is effective at decreasing spinal compression associated with pinched nerves or herniated discs.
Results of a 2017 single-blind, randomized controlled study showed significant differences in the pain level and effects of dry needling in patient’s with chronic low-back pain. The study proved that needling is useful in the management of the low back pain patients with disc herniation (Tüzün, 2017).
Unsure if you have a herniated disc in your low back? Or are you unsure if you have a herniated disk in your back or neck? Schedule an appointment with Dr. Sarah or Christina and we will do an examination of your condition and come up with a treatment plan personalized for you.
“I was an NCAA D1 All-American Athlete and was very hard on my body throughout most of my young life... In my late 30’s significant pain in my neck and arm lead me to several neurosurgeons that suggested a multi level disc replacement... dry needling was a game changer. ”